


Lapis medius —— Medius, the stone of Media


Medius is a black stone, but if it be crushed it yeilds a golden color. It hath many good virtue. Now even as one furnisheth himself with a sword for the retribution(報應) of enemies and thieves, so, too, ought men to be prepared — as Fortuneshall decree — both for good and both for evil. But know that those who do what is good come not to the abode(住所)of the impious.

This stone being therefore triturate(磨碎) in a mortar for medicine, with the milk of a woman who has been but once with child and given birth to a boy, and applied, cureth the albugo(某種真菌,植物病)of the eyes and taketh away all pain of the eyes: it healeth them even if the slight should seem irrecoverable.

And the same is done for the gouty(痛風), the stone being triturated with the milk of an ewe(母羊)which has given birth but once, to a male progency(後代): thou annointest(受膏者)them, and they are healed. In the same way, it cureth the reins and asthma and all the internal parts of the body. This is a most potent medicament and hath been proven by many men: this medicament having been prepared, thou shalt keep it in a vessel of silver of glass, and one will drink it fasting(禁食).

For retrubution(報應), however, put thou the stone again in a mortar for medicine, bruise it and dissolve it in water: now give it to whom thou wilt, so that he may wash his face therein and be struck blind. But if anyone should drink thereof, he will vomit up his lungs: it behoveth(理應當) to give him but little to drink, lest he be satiated. This stone is found in Media, whence(從那裏)it taketh its name; and it is engendered in places near the river Phasis(今喬治亞境內的一條河流,里奧尼河)



  1. 如果要讓人受害,把它輾得更碎並融於水,給人拿去洗臉就會使人失明,不過不能喝這個洗臉水太多,不然會飽。
  2. 你用生產過公羊後的母羊奶去溶解,就可以治癒病人,並且包含中風、氣喘、任何內部身體傷害。(此方法經過許多人證明)
  3. 用人的母奶溶解的話,塗在眼部上,可以治癒任何眼部疾病。
  4. 要禁食的時候可以喝這個(看樣子是可以喝的)


  1. 古代的醫學其實對於材料還蠻要求的,那個「生過公羊的母羊奶」代表他們對於牲畜的重視,也說明他們會用紙筆記錄下來(或對這種事情能夠一直記在心裡)。
  2. 實證醫學,真的是有經過人體測試的,也很重視經驗傳承,雖然沒有「量」的現代科學概念。
  3. 藥效作用範圍描述得很廣,說明「器官」這一個現代發現在古代是不存在的,對他們來說或許只有「部位」的概念?
  4. 總之,閱讀古書你會有很多樂趣,愛書的人千萬不能只讀現代書,愛歷史的人更應該翻翻古籍,會發現很多古人與我們不同的地方。



